OUT - Flavorfest
No more in the patch as of 2021. Flavorfest withstood rigorous testing and trials and is ready to compete against the long time players in the market. It consistently produced top yields in trials with very large, attractive, plump berries and excellent flavor. Flavorfest has markedly vigorous plant growth.
OUT - All Star
No more in the patch as of 2021. All Star Strawberries are hardy, June-bearing Strawberries that produce generous harvests of big, juicy, orange-red berries in late spring and early summer.
OUT - Galletta
2022 these don't look good so we aren't picking them this year. These large berries look great with a deep red skin color. The fruit has a glossy look with sweet, excellent flavor.
Jewels are wide and large shaped berries known for excellent flavor and high-quality. They have a good texture, are great eaten fresh and freeze well.
2022 these are finished for the season now. Sparkle is an abundant producer of small to medium size shiny crimson-red berries with exceptional taste. These are NOT available for pre-picked because they take over twice as long to fill a pail.
OUT - Honeoye
2022 these don't look good so we aren't picking them this year. They produce early large and firm bright orange-red to red fruit with above average quality and tart flavor. Delicious fresh, frozen, or in jams and wines.
OUT - Yambo
2022 these don't look good so we aren't picking them this year. Yambu is an early mid-season variety, ripening similar season to Honeoye, one of its parents. Fruits are bright red color, attractive, with uniform shape and glossy skin. Yambu fruits for a long season and has shown to be very productive. The flavor is excellent with a very sweet taste.