Frequently Asked Questions
When are we open?
We are open daily from 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. seasonally June-July 15th but we do have to close early occasionally if we get picked out. Please call ahead if driving from any distance to make sure we are still open.
Do I need my own bucket?
Please bring ice cream pails if you have them. If you don't have any, we will provide them for you. Please NO OTHER containers.
What do we sell and what is the cost?
Pea pods and Rhubarb are $1.50 a pound for u-pick. Strawberries are priced by the pail for u-pick. $9 for 4 quart, $10 for 4 1/2 quart, $11 for 5 quart. We also have pre-picked pails available at the farm if you call ahead for $20. We are occasionally at The Bloomer Post Office by 9:30 a.m. selling the pre-picked.
How do I keep my strawberries, peapods and rhubarb fresh once I get home?
a) Keep the strawberries, peapods and rhubarb out of the sun and the heat of a car.
b) Place them in the refrigerator as soon as you can with a wet towel over them.
c) Leave the stems on the strawberries until you are ready to use them, but don’t pile them too high.
d) If you aren’t using the strawberries within 2-3 days, it may be best to freeze them. (See Recipes Tab)
Are bigger strawberries better than the small ones?
No. It doesn’t matter if you pick big or small strawberries, you will still have the same great flavor. It is important that while picking, our rows are picked 'clean' so our plants can produce as long as possible. If spoiled strawberries remain on the plants, that plant will quit producing.
Can I bring my dog?
Yes you can but it is not encouraged. We ask that you keep your pet either in your car if it isn’t too hot or tied up to your car or choose to leave them at home. Thank you.
How do I pick strawberries at Mac's Berry Farm?
a) You will be placed in an isle where you will be instructed to pick half of the row on your right and half of the row on your left. The person in the isle next to you will be picking the other half of the row.
b) Pick only berries that are fully red using both hands. If you see any spoiled strawberries, please place those in the row to help keep our patches clean and producing as long as possible.
c) When you are done picking for the day, walk back to where you started and pick up the flag. Bring the flag to where you finished picking and push into the isle so that we know where to start the next person off who comes to pick.
d) Keep berries out of the sun and a hot car as much as possible. Keep the strawberries in the refrigerator with a wet towel over them so they will last as long as possible. Leave the stems on them until you are ready to use them.
If you have ANY questions, please ask!
How do I pay?
We prefer cash or check. We also have the ability to accept Venmo if you don't have cash or check. We DO NOT have electricity in our patch and can only take credit cards if there's a signal as a last resort.
Will berries ripen after they're picked?
Unripe berries will not ripen once picked. Just be sure to pick only berries that are already ripe!
How many calories are in strawberries?
A cup of strawberries contains only 43 calories.
Can we bring kids?
YES! We are a family-friendly berry farm - and we welcome children.
We do want your children to have a great experience! So, we trust that you will provide the supervision they need to be safe, and respectful of others and our property.
Please keep children near you at all times and make sure they aren't stepping on the berry plants. Thank you for understanding!
Are strawberries good for us?
Strawberries have MANY health benefits! For example...
Strawberries are full of a special substance called ellagic acid which can help fight cancers.
Eight strawberries have more vitamin C than an orange, that's 140% of our daily recommended amount.
One cup of strawberries contains only 43 calories.
Did you know strawberries can help whiten your teeth? The acids in the fruit help to remove stains.